Young Jiu Jitsu Fighter Paralysed From The Neck Down Following Jiu-Jitsu Match

In an unusual accident, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fight ends in tragedy when a young teenager injured his neck.

The accident happened on August 4 about 2 years ago during the semi-finals of the Espírito Santo State Jiu-Jitsu Championship. Wesley Marques, 19, was in a choke hold by Gabriel Diniz, 15 but then escaped it. Marques then counter-attacked by pulling the younger, lighter Diniz under him. Ultimately, Diniz’s body landed with his head pointing straight down while his body was flat. This caused a severe injury to his 3rd and 4th vertebrae. At this point, the medics were brought in and the fight ended.

Following two surgeries, both to the spine and for bone fragment removal, it remains unclear whether the young Jiu Jitsu fighter will ever regain full movement below the waist.

The post Young Jiu Jitsu Fighter Paralysed From The Neck Down Following Jiu-Jitsu Match appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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