André Galvão (pictured in back control) and Roger Gracie are two of the most complete Jiu-Jitsu fighters around at present. GRACIEMAG.com archive photo.
After they faced off in a barnburner of a match in the semifinals of the 2008 World Championship absolute division, André Galvão teased Roger Gracie: “I need a foot stool to do better against him.” Height differences aside, the two Jiu-Jitsu monsters will be together at the World Jiu-Jitsu Expo on the coming 12th of May in Long Beach, California.
According to the fair’s organizers, Roger Gracie and André Galvão are confirmed to hold seminars free of cost for anyone attending the event. Yesterday, GRACIEMAG.com reported on how Bráulio “Carcará” Estima will be teaching his secrets at the World Jiu-Jitsu Expo.
Read up some more on the event being overseen by Renzo Gracie, in this previous GRACIEMAG.com article.
To find out more, drop by the world worldjiujitsuexpo.com website, and stay tuned to GRACIEMAG.com for further news.
Revisit the showdown between Roger and André Galvão at the 2008 Worlds.
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