Why Bigger Muscles Are Not Good In Jiu-Jitsu

For individuals who are interested in getting started with Jiu Jitsu, it can be a good idea to understand your exercising goals and what you can do to fight more efficiently. Many may be under the impression that bigger muscles will be able to pay off more in a fighting environment, but often the opposite is true. Individuals need to understand how bigger muscles will slow you down and gas you out in Jiu-Jitsu, and by carefully applying your exercising strategies in a more efficient way, you will be able to get better results when you are in the ring.

Those who have had the chance to train in a professional environment have noticed that experimenting with different weight classes tiredand training techniques will often yield different results. This is especially true of those who are able to measure their performance with additional muscle mass, seeing how they move with the additional weight. Many people often make the assumption that bigger and stronger means better in terms of BJJ athleticism, but the truth is that this is not always so. Stronger will not always need to mean bigger muscles, because bigger muscles may end up slowing you down, resulting in less efficient cardiovascular movements.

There are many professionals who have put in the necessary research and found that they are simply not able to exercise the same advantages. Those who got much bigger and stronger began to exercise like bodybuilders, but found that they lost the speed that they needed to win long term matches. While they were able to use their weight to their advantages, their guard got much, much worse, and they had to rely entirely on their strength, and less on their maneuverability. What this means is that after a few minutes of sparring with others at their level, they were not able to fight as efficiently, and they had to take extra measurements to try to win in their bouts. They felt as though they had to work harder for the same results, and in the end, there were simply no advantages in terms of long term fighting that they could readily rely on in an active fighting field.

Individuals who take the time to watch certain matches will almost always notice that the professionals who are thinner and more agile will always be performing better. The true is the same of any organized fighting sport, such as boxing. Having the right stamina, quickness, and proper mental and physical conditioning are more important than having simple raw power. Those who prepare by training themselves to outlast their opponents will almost always do so, because having harder hits and stronger builds almost always comes at a larger price in the long run. This means that as far as any specialized training goes, all individuals are encouraged to approach their weight class and train themselves to exceed in terms of endurance. While strength can play an important role in keeping your opponent on the edge, it is a combination of factors that makes a good fighter.

The post Why Bigger Muscles Are Not Good In Jiu-Jitsu appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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