Recently, I had the chance to interview Blair Green, the Director of Grappling for Team USA Wrestling. Green has had the pleasure of working with much of the wrestling community, including Dan Henderson, Mark Black, and much of the Newaza crew.
Green had lots to say on the future of the sport and how he feels it will be able to cross over more effectively with Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Grappling has been receiving a boost in attention from the BJJ community and rightfully so. Of all of the versions of BJJ that currently exist, grappling seems the most likely candidate to become an Olympic sport.
While speaking with Green, he revealed some of his plans for the future of grappling including a potential future competition in Chicago and Pan Ams in California.
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Green, when asked about why grappling was so important, said, “There are so few times as an adult that we are acknowledged for anything. Our only report card is money and that’s a pretty shoddy report card.”
The post Where will Jiu-Jitsu and Grappling Finally Meet? appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.