Watch: Mark Zuckerberg in Action at his 1st Ever Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competition

The Jiu-Jitsu community was caught off guard by a pleasant surprise. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg competed in his first ever BJJ competition last Saturday, May 6th.

Founder of Facebook and one of the most influential entrepreneurs in the world, Zuckerberg competed on the BJJ Tour stage , an event led by Claudio França, in Silicon Valley, California. The traditional Californian event totaled around 1,000 athletes registered in gi and no-gi.

The white belt saw action at featherweight master 1. He became No-Gi champion and took silver in the Gi. In all, Zuckerberg had three matches in the tournament and was stopped only in the final of the division. Mark is a student of Professor Dave Camarillo on Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu team and impressed with his performance.

“I could see that he has a good level in Jiu-Jitsu”, said Claudio França. “He is a very intelligent, studious, focused and competitive person. These requirements are essential to evolve in Jiu-Jitsu, he showed himself to be a sportsman. He took pictures with the fans, with the opponents and enjoyed the championship. Mark was courteous, polite and we managed to convey a positive image of Jiu-Jitsu. He loved the experience of feeling the energy of the first competition”, shared Claudio.

The relationship between Claudio França and Dave Camarillo goes back a long way. They’ve known each other since the mid-1990s, when Dave became a regular competitor in tournaments organized by Claudio. The positive reputation of the BJJ Tour in the state was the differential for Mark to have his first experience in a Jiu-Jitsu championship.

“We’ve been doing consistent work in California for 35 years. We built our credibility and consolidated our events over that period. Our purpose is to create a familiar environment for people to have fun and test themselves. The experience of competing is unique, it’s impossible to forget the first tournament. My mission is to do everything so that people have a positive impression of the event. Dave contacted me about a month ago and told me of Mark’s interest in competing. He felt comfortable with the team and his teacher and was able to experience a space he wasn’t used to, and in the end he loved fighting”, said the BJJ Tour organizer.

Claudio França commented on the importance of Mark Zuckerberg’s presence on the BJJ Tour for the growth of Jiu-Jitsu and celebrated the growth of the sport.

“I arrived in California with the intention of popularizing Jiu-Jitsu and proving that the sport is for everyone, especially those who don’t have an athlete background, as was the case with Mark. In addition to the visibility he brings to the BJJ Tour and the sport, he inspires fans and proves that everyone is welcome in Jiu-Jitsu. Mark’s participation promotes the positive and inclusive image of the gentle art. Sport brings many benefits, such as increasing self-esteem, gaining confidence and the feeling of overcoming adversity. This is true both for a billionaire in his 40s and for a teenager who still does not practice physical activities”, reinforces Claudio.

The post Watch: Mark Zuckerberg in Action at his 1st Ever Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competition appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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