UFC 102 – when Minotauro dispatched Couture

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Check out the quickest knockout in UFC History, Thiago Silva’s victory, Demian’s defeat and the riveting images from the event in Portland, Aug 29, in images by Josh Hedges

UFC 102
Rose Garden Arena, Portland, Oregon
August 29, 2009

Rodrigo Minotauro beat Randy Couture by unanimous judges’ decision
Thiago Silva knocked out Keith Jardine at 1:35 min of R1
Jake Rosholt choked out Chris Leben with an arm-and-neck choke at 1:30min of R2
Nate Marquardt knocked out Demian Maia 21 seconds into the fight (right hook)
Brandon Vera beat Krzysztof Soszynski by unanimous judges’ decision

Gabriel Gonzaga defeated Chris Tuchscherer by TKO at 2:27s of R1
Mike Russow defeatedJustin McCully by unanimous judges’ decision
Todd Duffee knocked out Tim Hague at 0:07min of R1
Mark Munoz defeated Nick Catone by split judges’ decision
Evan Dunham defeated Marcus Aurélio split judges’ decision
Aaron Simpson defeated Ed Herman by technical knockout (injury to left knee)

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