Tired of Getting Smashed? Significantly Improve Your Jiu-Jitsu in Three Weeks or Faster

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu.

After taking your first steps on the path of Brazilian jiu-Jitsu, the first roll with an instructor is often a life-changing experience.

It is at this point when you realize that your ability to handle yourself in a physical altercation is an illusion. From now onwards, you face a dilemma: introspection or denial. You can accept the new reality (I am defenseless, and I want to learn), or you can continue to be invincible, convincing yourself that if you have punched, kicked, or poked the guy in the eyes, the outcome would have been so much different.

The first few months of training is all about adaptation.

The beginner white belt is trying to understand what is what, how, when, and from where. Feeling lost and not knowing how to survive in his new environment is one of the most frustrating parts of the white belt journey.

Choosing a guard

Without a doubt, to survive on the mats, you need an effective guard, and the choices are many. In the past, it was the closed guard that was the favored option. However, nowadays, the most preferred guard is the traditional half guard and the many variations it offers. One such exciting guard is Eddie Bravo’s Lockdown system, a half guard that provides extra control over your partner body, slowing down the pace by preventing him or her from passing your guard while also offering several submissions and sweep combinations.


According to Magnus Hansson, 3rd-degree Black belt, and head instructor at 10th Planet Stockholm. “The Lockdown system is easy to learn, and if practiced continuously, significant changes to your game can be achieved in as little as three weeks or faster!”

What do you guys think? Is it possible to significantly improve your Jiu-Jitsu in three weeks or faster?

Magnus Hansson, 3rd-degree blackbelt under Duda Suares (Gi) and Eddie Bravo’s 1st European blackbelt shows everything there is to know about the Lockdown in a Gi with new revolutionary details. Modified from its original, the Lotus Lockdown will change the way you approach this powerful half-guard. Let the Lotus Lockdown be your solution!

The post Tired of Getting Smashed? Significantly Improve Your Jiu-Jitsu in Three Weeks or Faster appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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