The Easiest Throw in BJJ That Works Well Against Bigger Opponents

In BJJ, you don’t need more than 5 takedowns to have an effective stand up game that can win you matches or keep you safe in a self defense situation.

That may not seem like much but if you are able to link those takedowns together and use them against all types of opponents then you are good to go.

This sacrifice takedown in particular is really easy to do. Any white belt can do this without any problem.

This is a simple throw that  anybody can do. Important points is that your opponent has to push into you. You need to fall to the side, hook underneath the knee and other leg scissoring for a sweep. Your arms need to stay extended. If you fall straight down it will not work.

In Judo, this is a sacrifice throw called Uki Waza or leg outside Uki Waza. Sacrifice throws are a great option since they are low risk. What’s the worse that could happen? That you basically pull guard.

Try this. BJJ world champion Erberth Santos uses this at the highest level.

BJJ coral belt Jean Jacques Machado shows a great way to do it:

Use these throws to safely launch fighters in BJJ, using judo principles and concepts.

  • Flores is the head coach of the National Judo Team and a former All-American, D1 wrestler for Nebraska.
  • Learn to fuse grappling’s best techniques into takedowns for jiu-jitsu.

The post The Easiest Throw in BJJ That Works Well Against Bigger Opponents appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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