Rodrigo Medeiros to hold beginners seminar in California

Our GMA Rodrigo Medeiros, a Carlson Gracie black belt, is getting ready for a super seminar focused on beginners – white and blue belt practitioners. The activities will be at the Nova Geração/BJJ Revolution Team branch in Northern California on January 29th.

The seminar will take place in Davis, at the academy of black belt Mauro “Maurinho” Ayres, winner of the international masters tournament. Some of the students who helped in the conquest of the American Nationals 2010 title will be there, among them Laura Bradford, Vivian Costa, Matt Zonfrello, Farren Romero, and Michael Quigley.

This will be the first of a series of seminars that will include, in the near future, the participation of Master Francisco “Toco” Albuquerque and a number of other black belts, like undefeated in MMA Alexandre “Pulga” Pimentel.

“Last year was great, the students were really dedicated and had excellent results. Christopher Smith, my student took runner-up at blue belt at the Worlds! We had a lot of other important medals too. Nothing could be fairer than to repay them with a seminar by the master to start off the year on the right foot. And everyone is invited to participate,” says Maurinho.

For further details, contact Michael Quigley by telephone (530) 220-3624 or email,

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