Ricardo Demente on his fight today in California: apply Jiu-Jitsu to MMA

Ricardo Demente encara rival na pesagem para MMA. Foto: Tiago Morgan/Esporte na Veia.

Demente, a Nova União black belt, in staredown with opponent Jared Bailey at Extreme Fighters weigh-ins / Photo: Tiago Morgan/Esporte na Veia

With two wins in both his career MMA fights, with neither opponent holding out past the first round, Ricardo “Demente” Abreu will be hoping to make it a third in California this Friday, when he heads into the most important fight of his MMA career. His opponent will be Jared Bailey, who holds a record of three first-round wins in four fights. The fight will be worth the Extreme Fighters Championship middleweight belt.

After winning both installments of Brazilian FC, back in his home state of São Paulo, this will be the Demente’s first fight outside his native Brazil.


“I always get butterflies in my stomach; that’s part of the sport. But my head is confident because of the grueling work I did in training with the best in the world, like Titor Ortiz and Master Rafael Cordeiro. That’s what makes me feel secure when I get in there and conquer my third win for my country,” said the onetime world runner-up in Jiu-Jitsu who has been living in the United States for the last two years.

What do you think, gentle reader, do you have faith Demente and his vaunted Jiu-Jitsu record will go far in MMA? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post Ricardo Demente on his fight today in California: apply Jiu-Jitsu to MMA first appeared on Graciemag.
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