Photographer and BJJ Black Belt Mik Milman and his project “People Who Train”

Passionate about photography and Jiu-Jitsu, photographer and BJJ Black Belt Mik Milman and his project “People Who Train” sought to capture something unique and show a side of Jiu-Jitsu he believes simply was not getting attention. In an effort to bring his vision to life of giving back to the sport that gave so much to him, Milman started to photograph persons who had full-time jobs, are raising a family, and are still making it to the gym to practice Jiu-Jitsu even if only as few times as twice a week. Milman finds such persons to be “admirable.” In just a few days of starting his page, Milman found himself with over 5000 followers on Facebook alone. Through his photography, he is able to tell an often untold story in the world of Jiu-Jitsu, where the stars are everyday gym heroes who find purpose in their practice of this great sport.

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