People Who Train project

The People Who Train project is an ongoing series focussing on every day practitioners of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. By visually blending the practitioners life as a jiu jitsuka with other aspects of what forms their identity and who they are, the project both challenges stereotypes associated with martial artists as well as brings to light the balance of juggling training with other interests and obligations of your everyday martial artist. You can follow the project on Mik Milman’s Instagram account @retrograding

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The Man Who Started All Mik Milman

@erinherle Recent college graduate, journalist, entrepreneur and more


Ivan, a recent recipient of an MBA from Pepperdine University and a financial analyst.


Joe Garcia: jiujitsu practitioner, father , personaltrainer , co-owner at arena fitness 


Julie. Ct technologist/xray technologist 




Piercer and business owner.

More Photo:

AOJ Photo Shoot Schedule

The post People Who Train project appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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