Sign-ups for the Rio de Janeiro tryouts for the Abu Dhabi World Pro, to be held this coming 27 and 28 March, are still in full swing and some gi-clad warriors have already guaranteed their presence. Among them, Jiu-Jitsu world champion of and mixed martial arts fighter Delson Heleno, otherwise known as Pé de Chumbo.

Pé de Chumbo wants a spot in Abu Dhabi. Photo: Carlos Ozório
Registration is now into the second round and many of the divisions, as reported by organizer Fernando Paradeda, are approaching the limit. Besides Pé de Chumbo, beasts like Gilbert Durinho, Ricardo Evangelista, Ana Maria India and Diego Gamonal, among numbers of others, are all confirmed.
The organization also warns that the public will only be admitted into the Club de Regatas do Flamengo gymnasium with the purchase of a ticket, which go on sale next Wednesday, at Bibi Sucos in Leblon.
For further information and to sign up, visit