Pay Attention To These 2 Things In A BJJ Academy

Do you want to start training… Or have you already been a part of a BJJ academy for some time now, but are considering whether or not it has what you need? As in – you’re thinking about what it offers to you and whether or not it is the right place for you to train at.
Don’t worry; a lot of BJJ students come to think about this at one point in time or another. And, even though there are a multitude of factors that come into play when making this decision, you should first take into consideration what training looks like in your BJJ academy.

Professor Ryan Young, from the Kama Jiu-Jitsu academy, shares his opinion on the subject.



Professor Young believes that there are two things that every Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student should take into account when it comes to their BJJ academy.

The first thing is the instructors. Namely, if there is more then one instructor in your academy, are all of the instructors teaching the same things? The reason you should ask yourself this question, Professor Young explains, is because you don’t want to learn four different techniques in four different classes; nor, for that matter, four totally different ways of doing a same technique.
If the instructors aren’t teaching the same things and if they’re teaching techniques in profoundly different ways, then your BJJ progress won’t be optimal.

Secondly, Professor Young emphasizes that you should pay attention to the curriculum. A lot of BJJ academies don’t have a curriculum at all, which means that their students are learning heaps of techniques but without any connection between them. They are all over the place, and therefore in no place at all.
Watch the video below, in which Professor Young explains these points in much more detail:

The post Pay Attention To These 2 Things In A BJJ Academy appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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