Led by an outstanding Beatriz Mesquita (Gracie Rio de Janeiro), girls performed greatly at the No-Gi Worlds this Sunday in California.
“Bia” beat Michelle Nicolini (Check Mat BJJ) to win the lightweight brown/black adult division, and saw Sofia Amarante (The Avengers) take the gold in the light feather, Emily Kwok (Alliance) winning in the middleweight division, and Luiza Monteiro (Check Mat BJJ) conquering at medium heavy.
Katrina Weilbacher (Paragon) didn’t have an opponent in the heavy division.
Nicolini had a great comeback late in the day, conquering the open division after beating Bia in the final, in a rematch of the lightweight decider. The match made history, as for the first time a woman was the referee in a world class Jiu-Jitsu match, Hillary Williams taking that honor.