Bráulio Estima celebrates victory at the 2011 ADCC disclosling one of his (few) weaknesses—chocolate cookies. The Gracie Barra star will take on Nick Diaz at the Jiu-Jitsu Expo. Photo: Dan Rod/GRACIEMAG.
The organizers of the World Jiu-Jitsu Expo made the announcement first hand on our Twitter account. The Jiu-Jitsu match featuring UFC star Nick Diaz has been made, with Bráulio Estima entering as his opponent under No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu rules, and the weight has been set at 82 kg, or 180 lbs.
The inaugural World Jiu-Jitsu Expo will be going down May 12 in Long Beach, California, and this supermatch will be just one of the attractions. Prior to current ADCC superchamp“Carcará’s” entrance into the picture, the promoters of the event made a surprise bid to bring in BJ Penn as Nick’s opponent, making contact with JD Penn, the brother and manager of the former UFC champion, who declined the invitation, despite apparent enthusiasm.
“That would be huge! But right now BJ is retiring from competing,” was JD Penn’s response.
On their going with Bráulio Estima, the promoters of the event captained by Renzo Gracie say the aim is to offer Jiu-Jitsu fans an unforgettable experience. Contrary to what many may have assumed, they never considered feeding Nick Diaz an easy opponent.
What do you say, Jiu-Jitsu fan? How will this showdown between one of the most stalwart MMA fighters around at present and one of the best No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu competitors in the world play out? Share your predictions with us.
The post Nick Diaz to face Bráulio Estima in No-Gi at 1st World Jiu-Jitsu Expo first appeared on Graciemag.