Josh Hinger To Face Craig Jones In Next Third Coast Grappling Co-Main Event

With their first event now in the books, Third Coast Grappling is already preparing for their next big event in June. And based on their first matchup announcement, it’s looking like it might be even more exciting than their first competition.

Promoter Ryan McGuire has revealed to the Jiu-Jitsu Times that the co-main event for 3CG 2 will be a no-gi match between Josh Hinger and Craig Jones. Both competitors are modern-day legends in the sport, with Jones being a double title holder (185 and 205-lb) at Polaris and Hinger having won gold at No-Gi Worlds three years in a row.

“We chose the match because Craig is one of the most exciting up and coming grapplers in the world and Josh is an established powerhouse with top-notch passing and a well-rounded game,” said McGuire. “The stylistic clash will make for must-see TV.”

A qualifier for the June 15 event will be held on March 29 at Scout Bar in Houston, Texas. Interested grapplers can apply on the promotion’s website.

As we eagerly anticipate the announcement of the main event, start getting excited for 3CG 2, which will take place on June 15.

The post Josh Hinger To Face Craig Jones In Next Third Coast Grappling Co-Main Event appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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