Joe Rogan Remembers His First Jiu-Jitsu Class: “This Purple Belt Just Raped Me. Just Destroyed Me”

Everyone starts somewhere. You can’t be a black belt level Jiu-Jitsu athlete immediately from the get-go, but you’ve got to put a lot of effort into training. You have to possess the patience, the consistency, and the willingness to learn if you wish to achieve what you’re set out to achieve. However, it certainly can be demotivating when you think about just how much further you’ve got to go.
The thing that can help in those moments is to look up to some other people and their own Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journeys. For example, Joe Rogan’s!

Rogan explains how his beginning were:

“When I was a white belt when I first started, this purple belt who was my size and I had this idea in my head that someone my size was not gonna f## me up. So this guy just raped me just destroyed me just did whatever he wanted to me, over and over and over again.

He just kept arm barring me and choking me and triangling me and I remember leaving going what I was so frustrated. I was so exhausted but by the end of the Rolling session he was just literally doing whatever he wanted and then also like so confused like my idea of how tough I was versus what would actually happen when I rolled was so off I couldn’t imagine yeah….”

The post Joe Rogan Remembers His First Jiu-Jitsu Class: “This Purple Belt Just Raped Me. Just Destroyed Me” appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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