How To Do Khabib’s Single Leg To Drop Shoulder Throw

As we all know, the single leg is one of the most basic and high percentage takedowns in jiu jitsu. Whether youʼre standing on the ground, you need to incorporate the single leg takedown into your game – but just as importantly, you need to know how to DEFEND it as well.

Khabib Nurmagomedov made many of his opponents fly with his superior single leg lift to drop shoulder throw including Conor McGregor.

In this video, top Wrestler Sidu Eslami shows how to do this spectacular takedown. Chain Wrestling attacks together is something only elite level grapplers are able to utilise effectively. Just as in striking, as your opponent defends or reacts to your first shot, they leave themselves vulnerable for the second or third.

Let’s face it—BJJ players suck at takedowns. With our help, you will take them down faster, push the pace easier, and SCORE more!

Learn to SNATCH one of the most effective TAKEDOWNS from EVERY position with Brown Belt World Champion Giancarlo Bodoni.

The post How To Do Khabib’s Single Leg To Drop Shoulder Throw appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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