Heard of the “knockout” game? Vitor Shaolin offers tips to keep yourself safe

Around the nation, people are getting sucker-punched while walking in public. The attackers all vary but they all seem to have the same goal: see if you have the power to knock someone out with one punch. It’s said to have been around for years but only recently has it garnered more attention.

There have been cases reported from all over the country of many victims, young and old. To play the game you must sneak up on an unsuspecting person and punch them as hard as you can. The reward for those who succeed in knocking their victim unconscious is inflated social status among peers and a disturbing sense of pride.

Don’t be a victim by staying aware of your surroundings at all times. Training Jiu-Jitsu doesn’t only allow you the techniques to defend yourself but the confidence and awareness to keep yourself safe. The techniques you know probably won’t come of use if you never see the attack coming so it’s important to take preventive measures as well.

Professor Vitor Shaolin Ribeiro of GMA VSBJJ in New York City offers tips below for how to keep yourself safe while out in public:

The post Heard of the “knockout” game? Vitor Shaolin offers tips to keep yourself safe first appeared on Graciemag.
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