Gracie brothers’ reality show leads in votes on Oprah’s channel

Rener Gracie. Photo: Personal archive

As previously announced by GRACIEMAG, television talk show host Oprah Winfrey launched a competition to pick a new reality show for her channel Oprah Network TV. Brothers Ryron and Rener Gracie put together a pilot for a program that could popularize Jiu-Jitsu even more and are close to winning the dispute against other proposals being voted on over the internet.

The Gracies’ idea leads the voting with 737,000.

“Every day, hundreds of thousands of kids are terrified to go to school out of fear of bullies. These kids are depressed, have no self-confidence, and unfortunately, many of them are borderline suicidal.

“On our TV show, the Gracie Brothers will sweep the nation’s schools to find the children who are most victimized by bullies. These children will be brought to the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy where, over the period of several weeks, they will be “bullyproofed” from the inside out, and have a greater chance of being successful adults. With our show on the air, we’ll also have a chance to share our methods with thousands of people,” says the teacher.

For Jiu-Jitsu to win yet another battle, don’t miss voting. Check out Rener’s video and vote by clicking here.

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