Gordon Ryan Claims He Can Beat Khamzat Chimaev & Khabib Nurmagomedov

Gordon Ryan is generally viewed as the best No Gi grappler in the world and rightfully so as he is a 3x ADCC world champion. A grappling fan recently commented on a post on Ryan’s official Instagram account and asked him how he thought he would do against Khamzat Chimaev and Khabib Nurmagomedov.

Ryan responded and explained why he would defeat them in a grappling match:

“Generalist(s) usually won’t beat specialists in their domain. Generalists never beat the absolute best specialists. A submission grappling match wouldn’t be competitive, objectively.”

Fans then asked him about Nurmagomedov:

“Khabib is a generalist. These are very silly questions lol. No one who specializes in jiu jitsu can beat me. Why would an MMA fighter be able to?”

One of the most hated Grapplers in BJJ History, Dillon Danis answered a question about who would win in a grappling match between himself and Khabib.

Danis who is a high level BJJ black belt under Marcelo Garcia, and ADCC competitor candidly answered:

“In straight grappling? Ahh, come on.”

Reporter (sounding surprised): “Yeah? Easy Work?”

“Yeah, come on everybody knows that though.But it’s not my fight. It’s Connor’s fight.”

A straight grappling match or even an MMA fight between these two will of course probably never happen. Danis is much accomplished Submission grappler. Khabib would have a huge advantage in the Wrestling but nobody has really seen him competing at the elite grappling level, even though he easily won a NAGA expert division.


Just How Good is Khabib Nurmagomedov’s Grappling?

The post Gordon Ryan Claims He Can Beat Khamzat Chimaev & Khabib Nurmagomedov appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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