Gordon Ryan, often referred to as the No-Gi GOAT, recently admitted to being put asleep for the first time in training… by a purple belt. Not many people can get the better of Gordon Ryan, but everyone gets caught at some point, and being caught in training is probably the best place for it.
Getting put to sleep is something that just happens in this sport, it is the nature of it. If you have been training long enough, you have probably been put to sleep at some point whether that is through the choke coming on a lot quicker than initially anticipated, or stubbornness from not tapping – either way, it happens. Purple belt New Wave teammate and up and comer Davis Asare is the man who put Gordon Ryan to sleep for the first time in his 12 years of training the sport.
It is unclear how the situation actually came about, but when watching Gordon compete, his opponents often don’t even get close to a submission, let alone it ending up being successful – proving that Asare is definitely one to be watched. Asare recently won 3rd place at the IBJJF World No-Gi Championships and will be going up against Neil McWynne in a highly anticipated under 80kg match on Grapplefest 15.
Gordon Ryan humbly announced the news that he was choked out in training for the very first time in his 12 years of jiu jitsu by Davis Asare in a post to his official Instagram account:
“Thank you to @davis_asare for being the 1st person in my 12 years of jiu jitsu to strangle me unconscious, m***erf***** 😂.”

The post Gordon Ryan Choked Out for First Time in Training appeared first on Grappling Insider.