Covid is Airborne and Long Covid is Real – Here’s What to Do About It, with Colin Furness, PhD

No, the answer is NOT lockdowns. In this interview University of Toronto epidemiologist Dr Colin Furness, PhD, goes into detail about Covid transmission, the debilitating (and mostly denied) effects of Long Covid, and simple mitigation measures that don’t require billions of dollars. 

Covid is Airborne with Colin Furness, PhD (Video Format)

Some highlights include…

  • The evidence for Covid being airborne
  • How common is Long Covid, what are the three types of Long Covid, which organ systems are affected, whether vaccination helps, and whether mild cases initial respiratory Covid can lead to severe long covid
  • Other viruses with long term effects that don’t become evident for decades
  • The real reason that first responders should be vaccinated
  • Why we’re seeing so many new variants
  • What is wastewater testing, and why is it one of the most useful leading indicators for strain on the healthcare system
  • What governments have done to take Covid off of everyone’s mind.
  • Why the only lockdown that made sense was the first one, and why every lockdown since then has been the result of a failure to act earlier with less severe measures.  
  • Why you should put away the hand sanitiser and the plexiglass
  • A simple 3 step approach to keeping public spaces safe (ventilation, filtration, and CO2 detectors)
  • When is masking appropriate?
  • How the removal of masks on planes led to many thousands of cancelled flights and a synchronisation of Covid waves across the entire USA
  • How vaccination keeps other people safe
  • Arguments for and against mandatory vaccination in the public sector workers and for first responders, and strategies that don’t involve mandates
  • The death of expertise and moving forward in a post-truth world
  • Monkeypox – should we take it seriously?
  • How we might successfully deal with the next big plague?

Covid is Airborne, with Colin Furness, PhD (Audio Format)

This interview was published as episode 366 of The Strenuous Life Podcast. You can also listen to the audio-only format of the episode on your podcast player.

It’s on all major podcast platforms, but here are some of the links to get you started…

Or if you want to stay on this page please use the embedded audio player below…

More Colin Furness, Epidemiology, and Dealing with Covid-19 in a Martial Arts Context

Dr Colin Furness on Twitter

Dr Colin Furness on Twitter

Please follow Colin on Twitter at @FurnessColin where he shares tons of epidemiology and health science information.

Epidemiology 101, with Colin Furness

Covid Epidemiology 101 with Colin Furness, PhD

What exactly is herd immunity? How can we be sure that the vaccine companies aren’t lying to us?  What is this ‘R0’ value and why does it matter? What are the proven methods to stop outbreaks?  Are what are some reasons for hope?

These are just some of the topics I cover on this previous podcast with Dr Furness, an epidemiologist at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, on an episode I called Epidemiology 101.


Wrestling with Trust, Propaganda, and Conspiracies, with Amitabha Palmer

Wrestling with Trust, Propaganda, and Conspiracies, with Amitabha Palmer

Amitabha Palmer is a wrestler, judoka, and an adjunct professor of philosophy at Ohio Northern University.  The topics he researches include how widespread conspiracism and science denialism affect democratic policy making.

Join us for an episode entitled Wrestling with Trust, Propaganda, and Conspiracies.

10 Red Flags You Might Be Following a Guru

10 red flags that show you might be following a guru, with Chris Kavanaugh

In episode 334 I talk with Oxford trained evolutionary and cognitive anthropologist Chris Kavanagh from Decoding the Gurus about the 10 red flags that show you might be following a guru. That podcast tackles the secular gurus propagating their ideas, grievances, and conspiracies on the internet.

From Jordan Peterson, Russel Brand, Tony Robbins, JP Sears, to Brett and Eric Weinstein, we give lots of examples and pull no punches. Many people will be offended. Sorry not sorry.

Thank you, and take care of each other,

Stephan Kesting

The post Covid is Airborne and Long Covid is Real – Here’s What to Do About It, with Colin Furness, PhD appeared first on Grapplearts.

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