Big John may return to UFC

Big John at Maracanã. Photo: Carlos Ozório

A reference when it comes to MMA refereeing, “Big” John McCarthy may head back to the Ultimate Fighting Championship, where his tenure marked an era.

Removed from the UFC since 2007, McCarthy has a likely date to return  to the most famous fenced-in area in the world. The buzz on message boards across the planet is that the referee should oversee the fights on the UFC on Versus 2 card this coming August 1.

When on his second trip to Brazil, last year, Big John took a tour of the Maracanã stadium with the team and was given a Flamengo team jersey as a gift. On the occasion, the ref chose not to say much regarding a possible return to the UFC.

“I don’t know yet and I’m not worried about it. I have fun doing what I do and we’ll see what happens.”

Could it be we’ll one day hear the traditional “Are you ready? Let’s get it on!” in the UFC again?

(Collaborator: Junior Samurai)

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