ADCC 2015 Day One Recap: Who’s In and Who’s Out

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The competition that everyone was waiting for, was held on August 29, 2015. The opening match featured Yves Carbinatti and Eduardo Mangaravite. Carbinatti defeated his opponent with an awesome guillotine, which set the mood for the rest of the day. `
Fans were anxiously awaiting the ADCC day 1 results, and were especially excited when Geo Martinez, Eddie Cummings and Gary Tonon entered the ring. Martinez defeated Alexandre Vierra and then conquered Jeff Glover in a thrilling match. Unfortunately Cummings and Tonan did not share the same luck. Although Eddie Cummings beat Asadulaev, his second round was not as successful. He lost the match with Augusto Tanquinho because of a negative point (guard pull). Tonan was no match for Lucas Lepry, who put up the largest point difference of the day. In the next match Rustam Chsiev defeated Matt Arroyo and Rafael Lovato Junior, which ultimately took them out of the ADCC. In the ultraheavyweight division Jared Dopp eliminated Rodrigo Cavaca and Gabriel Lucas. Orlando Sanchez destroyed both of his opponents, Dean Lister and Janne-Pekka Pietilainen. The superfight for the veterans ended with Ricardo Liborio defeating Sperry, in an unexciting match fought completely on the feet. Check out Day One Full Results

Semi Finals



Rubens Cobrinha x Augusto Tanquinho
Bruno Frazatto x Geo Martinez


Otavio Sousa x Lucas Lepri
Davi Ramos x Durinho Burns


Romulo Barral x Yuri Simões
Keenan Cornelius x Rustam Chsiev


Rodolfo Vieira x Xande Ribeiro
Felipe Preguiça x João Assis


Orlando Sanchez x Vinny Magalhães
João Gabriel Rocha x Jared Dopp



Michelle Nicolini x Tammi Musumeci
Bia Mesquita x Mackenzie Dern


Gabi Garcia x Jessica Oliveira
Ana Laura Cordeiro x Amanda Santana


The post ADCC 2015 Day One Recap: Who’s In and Who’s Out appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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