A black belt Twitter battle

The official Twitter account of the Renzo Gracie Academy, in Manhattan, has been taken over by Renzo himself since yesterday (01/18/2010). Always colorful, Renzo has already made his mark to the internet most used miniblog.

Today, he informed his 3,404 followers that a battle of black belts is under way in NYC. Read what he has tweeted one hour ago:

RenzoGracieBJJ Me and Braulio went to war, first at the pool table, Renzo 5, Braulio 0. Ping Pong, Renzo 4 Braulio 1. Then the last one, Backgammon R 5 B 3.

Over 40 minutes later, here came the answer by 2009 ADCC absolute champion:

BraulioEstima @RenzoGracieBJJ well I was so welcome at renzos house, he treat us so good that I felt bad to bring up my A game. He is not bad though ;))

In NYC for a series of seminars, Braulio will sure have the chance to come back at Renzo. Let’s follow that battle closely.

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