5 Things You Can Do for Your Body Before a BJJ Competition

Competition days can be rough. This isn’t just for practice anymore; you’re in it to win. 

But a competition day can take a serious toll on your body if you’re not prepared. You need a game plan to make sure your body is in the best condition to take on your opponents while staying safe. 

We’re not going to tell you to train hard — you’re surely already doing that. But in addition to typical training, there are a few more things you should consider for preparing physically for any BJJ match. 

Here are some of our favorite ways to get ready. 

1. Muscle Recovery

No matter how strong you are, your muscles are still at risk of injury. To keep your muscles in good condition, you need to ensure they are recovering after your training and between gym sessions. 

Programs such as dry needling will ensure your muscles get the blood flow and recovery time needed for proper recovery. 

Schedule your dry needling sessions regularly and get one scheduled a few days before a match. Then your muscles are prepared for whatever comes your way. 

2. Don’t Forget about Warm-Ups

Just like your muscles need to recover after a workout, they also need to be prepared before starting your workout. Get a proper warm-up in before you ever break a sweat. Dynamic stretching is a great way to start slowly and allow your muscles to warm before you put them to work. 

This should always be a priority, but we also recommend warming up before your match and keeping your body warm throughout your time at the competition to ensure the best results. 

3. Watch Your Diet

Eating healthy is best for your body, whether you have a match scheduled or not. But for the 2-3 weeks leading up to a competition, you should treat your diet as a top priority. 

Make sure you’re getting enough calories to nourish your body with the right amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals your athletic routine demands. Stay away from foods that will only tire you while providing little nutritional value. 

4. Plan Your Practice Schedule in Advance

When there isn’t a competition, it’s understandable that you get to the gym when you can. Maybe some weeks you’re exercising less than you’d like, and others you hit a perfect streak. While this is fine for general practice and conditioning, you’ll want to have a schedule in place leading up to a match. 

With a schedule, you can feel confident knowing you’ll get the right number of sessions in while still leaving days for your body to rest and recover. Without a schedule, you may find yourself overexercising or not exercising enough. So, have a plan for when you’ll train for at least the 2 weeks leading up to a match. 

5. Relax

Perhaps one of the most important pieces of advice we have to offer is just to relax. You’re doing what you need to do. 

Give your body the days it needs to recover from stress and relax. Stress can be detrimental to your physical and mental condition, so give yourself a break, kick back, and know your body is doing what it needs to do. 

Time to Hit the Mat

You’ve done everything you can for your body. You’ve trained hard, nourished it with the proper diet, and cared for your muscles. 

Now there’s nothing more to do than pack your favorite competition day snacks and head out. It’s time to focus on the match and let your body do what it’s been trained to do. And, of course, have fun! 

The post 5 Things You Can Do for Your Body Before a BJJ Competition appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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