Using a Sloppy Face Choke To Set Up a Deep Rear Naked Choke

Guest post by David Avellan, an ADCC bronze medalist. Avellan has defeated many of the world’s best grapplers, such as BJJ Black Belt World Champions Rafael Lovato Jr.Tarsis HumphriesAmaury BittetiAlexandre ‘Xande’ RibeiroRoberto ‘Cyborg’ Abreu, and Rener Gracie.

Avellan is credited for developping The Kimura Trap System , a powerful submission system that counters half guard, turtle guard, and take down players with brutal efficiency.

Quick – what is your first impression of this choke?

If you said it was sloppy technique that you may have seen in some crappy action movie, I would have agreed with you before I knew better.

Jason has shown me how this sloppy choke can be used as a feint and make your opponent defend it easily, which leaves him open for a real choke that will put his lights out.

Another ingenious trap! You got to check this out to choke your buddies out!

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