Top 10 Polaris Fights of All Time

Best matches from the sub only event Polaris. Which one is your favorite? Would add any to this list? LEave a comment below

Top 10 Polaris Matches

10. Dillon Danis vs Jackson Sousa

Dillon Danis had a lot of hype leading upto the fight - Both competitors went all out, guns blazing! Danis had a tight Guillotine but Sousa somehow managed to escape. Shortly after Danis was able to lock in a reverse heel hook and calmly got the tap.


9. Vitor Shaolin Ribeiro vs Daisuke Nakamura

The two ground fighting wizards had a chance to square off at polaris in an attempt to repeat their Cage Rage 19 event that originally took place in 2006. The first fight had quite a finish!

And the 2nd was quite possibly even better!

8. Gezary Matuda vs Michelle Nicolini 


These two put on quite a memorable show with Matuda stunning the 8x World Champion Nicolini!

7. Terere vs Shaolin

The main event of Polaris 4 was incredibly exciting. Master of passing Terere proved once again he was at the top of his passing game.


Terere starts off strong with some strong takedown attempts. Shaolin pulls gaurd and Terere goes straight into his trademark knee cut pass. Terere almost passes but Shaolin brings him him back to half guard. Terere heavy on top and passes guard with a beautiful hip switch. The match is back on the feet and Shaolin again pulls guard. They’re back up and Terere throws Shaolin with a beautiful drop Seoi Nage! Last 3 mins with Terere on top trying to pass and Shaolin trying loop chokes. Terere wins by decision.

6. Garry Tonon vs Imanari

Another one for the history books. Rising prospect Garry Tonon went up against slightly smaller Japanese leglock legend Masahazu Imanari

5. Gilbert Burns vs Garry Tonon

If Shaolin vs Terere didn’t have you pumped enough at Polaris 4 this one added a cherry on top. A top UFC athlete was set to compete against now a star in the making Garry Tonon.

4. Keenan Cornelius vs Dean Lister

Dean Boogeyman Lister was long considered one of the absolute best leg lockers of today. Regardless of your school of (bjj) thought Lister is appreciated everywhere. And Polaris did their best to find him a great opponent in a young up and comer on the scene – bjj prodigy Keenan Cornelius.

3. AJ Agazarm vs Jake Shields

There’s seldom more heated matches than those starring AJ Agazarm. In this one he went toe to toe with 209 crew member and Danaher Death Squad guest Jake Shields. The two exchanged a multitude of heated barbs and perhaps a headbutt or two.

2. AJ Agazarm vs Daniel Strauss

#1 Garry Tonon vs Rousimar Palhares  

There are no matches that produced quite as much hype as Garry Tonon vs Palhares. A big size disparity in addition to Tonon’s usual attractive style of going for submission produced a must see fight for any and all grapplers proving once for all that with enough dedication and strategy size doesn’t have to be the deciding factor.


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