Grnadmaster Relson Gracie promotions and more

L-R (standing) Chris Onzuka, GM Relson Gracie, Mike Onzuka and Kaleo Hosaka L-R kneeling: Rob Moss, Kyle Snyder-Ontivares 
Kid usually stays away from announcing Black belt promotions as I get so many requests it would be all I'd do :) but when it involves Grandmaster Relson Gracie promoting friends of mine I have to make an exception. The Grandmaster promoted Brandon Bernardino, Kyle Snyder-Ontivares and Rob Moss to Black belt rank and awarded Kaleo Hosaka his 1st Degree.

Congratulations to all and to my friend Kevin Tang for his Brown belt! Well deserved everyone

L-R Todd Tanaka, Brandon Bernardino and GM Relson

Team HK Seminar and Promotion Ceremony

O2 Academy Seminar and Promotion Ceremony
 Frank Mullis promoted to Black Belt
Matt Serra and Frank Mullis
Since I am covering friends achieving Black belt I cannot miss my friend Frank Mullis who after a long and arduous road, where he juggled his many professional and family duties received his promotion from none other than Matt Serra. Mullis was one o the promoters of the 2000 Pro-Am

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