Watch the full fight between Albert Tumenov and Gunnar Nelson
some of the action transcribed:
Nelson connects with a right hand over the top as he bounces in a wide open stance. Tumenov backs up the Icelandic fighter with a left kick across the body, tries to run Nelson against the fence but gets shoved away. Tumenov catches a body kick, can’t convert it and continues to press forward. Nelson eats a right hand counter to one of his kicks and goes shooting for a takedown, immediately driving Tumenov to the canvas near the fence. Straight to full mount goes Nelson, hooking his feet underneath Tumenov’s legs to keep “Einstein” unstable. Nelson lands grinding elbows from mount and stays heavy on top as Tumenov tries to buck him off. Nelson gets over-aggressive with his elbows and allows Tumenov to escape to his feet, but there’s less than 30 seconds left in the round. Tumenov tries to slug back at Nelson and reclaim some ground, but he runs out of time.
(warning: loud techno music)