Are BJJ Belts Meaningless ? -Nick Albin

Recently I made a video about how I gave up my Purple Belt when I came to a gym. And I explained how if you were in the same position maybe you shouldn’t.

That video is here:

Now some people decide to give up their BJJ belt when they come to a gym and that’s their decision. But in some cases people are bullied into giving up rank and I don’t think that’s right.

Anyways. There were several replies to this video telling me that I was missing the point of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

In various ways people expressed their idea that the belt in BJJ is meaningless.

I wanted to respond to these comments in a video because I disagree that the belt is meaningless. Because I believe the belt is a meaningful thing to those of us that train for one.

Does it mean everything in Brazilian Jiujitsu? Of course not. The belts come along the way but its journey that we go through, lessons learned, benefits gained, etc that are what make Brazilian Jiujitsu so special.

But nonetheless the belt is important to many of us because of it’s representation.

In the video I share an analogy of how humans use seemingly worthless objects to represent very powerful things in our lives. And the belt is simply another example of a tangible object being used as a representation of priceless and intangible aspects.

This video is more of an idea and response rather than a technique video. But hopefully it made sense.

Thanks for watching!

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