Yan Cabral: “The crowd will be treated to a war”

“The fact I’ve faced Kron before doesn’t change anything. It’s a different championship, another stage in my life… I’m 100% trained,” says Yan Cabral, who will face Kron Gracie in one of the two superfights to feature at the May 13-15 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Professional Cup to take place in the Lauretana Forum Stadium in Biella, Italy.

Now everything is in place for the big show, which will also feature a supermatch between Bernardo Faria and Raphael Abi-Rihan, besides the overall tournament that is paying out a total of 60 thousand euros in cash prizes. One of the event’s organizers, black belt Ari Galo has confirmed that teams from across Europe will be there.

“Switzerland, for example, is bringing a really tough team all by itself. Ripdorey, which is backing us, paid out half the tickets for the Swiss team. But major teams from all over Europe will be there,” says Ari.

And the team will be there to check it all out up close and bring back the news. In the meantime, check out the interview with Yan Cabral (in Portuguese) below:

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