Worlds: Buchecha makes history and becomes the first ever to win three open class titles in a row; other black belt champions


History has been made this Sunday, June 1st, 2014.

Marcus Almeida Buchecha defeated Rodolfo Vieira in the black belt open class final with a takedown and became the first athlete to ever win that title for three years in a row.

The match had its first half in a stand up game with both athletes trying to take the opponent down and getting on top to work the pass.

With sic minutes in the clock, Buchecha managed the takedown to score ahead.

He then kept working the pass while Rodolfo Vieira tried to sweep with all his strength, but to o avail.

Once again, Buchecha managed to stop the pressure game that Rodolfo imposes to everyone of his opponents.

Time ran out and the Jiu-Jitsu community had a second three times open class world champion, besides Roger Gracie.

In the other divisions, results were:

Bruno Malfacine is the roosterweight world champion. He defeated João Miyao by refs decision after a 8(2) – 8(2) tie .

Gui Mendes is the light-featherweight world champion. He defeated Paulo Miyao 2-1 on advantages after a 4-4 tie on points.

Rafa Mendes is the featherweight world champion. He defeated Rubens Cobrinha 10-8 in the final.

Lucas Lepri is the lightweight world champion. He defeated JT Torres 12-0 on the final.

Leandro Lo is the middleweight world champion. He defeated Otavio Sousa 9-6 in the final.

Braulio Estima is the medium-heavyweight world champion. He closed out with Romulo Barral.

Felipe Preguiça Pena is the heavyweight world champion. He defeated Andre Galvao 6-4 in the final.

Rodolfo Vieira is the super-heavyweight world champion. He defeated Bernardo Faria with an armlock from the mount.

Marcus Buchecha is the ultra-heavyweight world champion. He defeated Alex Trans with a choke from the back.

In the teams competition the results were:

Adult Male – World Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2014
1 – Alliance – 97
2 – Atos Jiu-Jitsu – 91
3 – Gracie Barra – 69

Adult Female – World Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2014
1 – Alliance – 79
2 – CheckMat – 52
3 – Gracie Humaita – 46

Juvenile – World Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2014
1 – Gracie Barra – 72
2 – Gracie Elite Team – 35
3 – Alliance – 30

Novice – World Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2014
1 – Gracie Elite Team – 45
2 – Gracie Barra – 43
3 – Alliance – 42

For the complete coverage, go to

The post Worlds: Buchecha makes history and becomes the first ever to win three open class titles in a row; other black belt champions first appeared on Graciemag.
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