World Jiu-Jitsu Expo: João Assis vs. Rolles Gracie in 15-minute no-gi match

ADCC finals-72

The World Jiu-Jitsu Expo announced another attraction for this year’s event.

ADCC champion João Assis will fight Rolles Gracie in a 15-minute no-gi match.

0_HayabusaGi_StampSiteThe 2014 WJJE takes place October 18-19 at the Long Beach Convention Center, in California.

Other than the superfight between Assis and Gracie, the event will also feature many other attractions.

Marcus Buchecha, Leo Veira, the Mendes Bros and Roberto Cyborg will be teaching seminars.

All seminars at the WJJE will be in the gi.

Three IBJJF events will take place during the Expo: IBJJF Pro League, the American Nationals Kids and the Long Beach Open.

Three other superfights are also already confirmed – Gianni Grippo vs. Augusto Tanquinho, Nino Schembri vs. Vitor Shaolin, Robson Moura vs. Marcos Parrumpinha.

For more info, go to

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The post World Jiu-Jitsu Expo: João Assis vs. Rolles Gracie in 15-minute no-gi match first appeared on Graciemag.
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