Sergio Moraes celebrates second World Championship win in California. The Alliance star is on the cast for TUF Brazil. Photo: Ivan Trindade.
Today Globo TV, Brazil’s most popular television network, released the names of the 32 participants on the inaugural season of the South American country’s version of The Ultimate Fighter reality show. And the Jiu-Jitsu of all four corners of the nation will be represented in the two weight classes to feature, the featherweight (under 66 kg, under 145 lbs) and middleweight (under 84 kg, under 185 lbs).
As standouts, beasts from Brazil’s northeast Godofredo Pepey and Renée Forte of Ceará state and Rony Jason and Anistávio Gasparzinho of the city of Natal join the more famous Rodrigo Damm and Jiu-Jitsu world champions Sérgio Moraes and Delson Pé de Chumbo. The show is currently being shot, but we will only find out what is happening once the show airs, during prime time on Sundays.
Jiu-Jitsu black belt Godofredo Pepey enters the house as a featherweight currently undefeated in MMA, with ten wins.
The Ceará native, a regular medaler at Jiu-Jitsu tournaments, shared his expertise with GRACIEMAG.com, teaching a position that translates equally well to MMA, submission grappling or the gentle art. He reveals how to go for a calf crunch or take the back when passing guard.
Watch and learn, and don’t miss TUF Brazil, hitting the airwaves on March 25.
Serginho Moraes
Cezar “Mutante”
Leonardo “Macarrão” Mafra
Daniel Sarafin
Gustavo “Labareda” Sampaio
Richardson “Monstrão” Moreira
Fabio “Bolinho”
Renee Forte
João Paulo Tuba
Francisco “Massaranduba”
Thiago Rela
Charles Maicon
Gilberto Galvão “Giba”
Thiago “Bodão” Perpétuo
Samuel Trindade
Delson Heleno “Pé de Chumbo”
Alexandre “Sangue” Ramos
Rony “Jason”
Godofredo “Pepey”
Marcos Vinicius “Vina”
Anistávio “Gasparzinho”
Johnny “Cabeça” Gonçalves
Hugo “Wolverine” Viana
Fernando Duarte Guerra
Rodrigo Damm
John Teixeira
Rafael Bueno
Wagner “Galeto” Campos
Pedrinho Nobre
Fabrício de Assis Costa da Silva “Guerreiro”
Dileno Lopes
Giovanni “Soldado”