Why Californian Athletes Do It Better (worlds/pans/California based tournaments)

Have you noticed that athletes from California tend to do pretty well at The World Championships? I am sure you have, I mean it’s basically common knowledge that some of the best competition schools are in California. But, have you ever stopped to think why this is? I know some people will say it’s just because of the instructors who have academies there, and that is definitely part of it, but I think there is more to this story.  I think there are a few less thought about reasons for the Californians dominance at worlds. Let me be clear here though. I am not saying Americans are dominant, but just that the athletes who live in California seem to do much better in general.

  • The Instructors– I wanted to get this one out of the way first. Many of the greatest instructors have settled in California and thus created better schools there. Why so many Jiu Jitsu instructors live in California has been mostly attributed to the climate, lifestyle and proximity to the beach.
  • They Are Local– I think this one is often overlooked. They simply have home field advantage. Traveling to compete is taxing on the body and mind. It can mean more expense headaches, jet lag and trouble making weight, plus everything is so new and different that it can take a second to adjust. The local athletes simply don’t have these headaches.
  • The Lifestyle– The BJJ lifestyle is so ingrained into the culture of the gyms and even the state that it gives the athletes an advantage. California promotes healthy eating better than many of the other states and promotes healthy living to (although they still have problems). This is multiplied by the fact that the gyms there have a more serious approach and encourage more hard training and healthy habits.

While not every great BJJ Player comes from California, there is definitely a trend and I believe it can be attributed to these 3 factors. Are there any other advantages to living in California when competing at worlds? What do you think? Am I right or wrong?

The post Why Californian Athletes Do It Better (worlds/pans/California based tournaments) appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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