Claudio Ribeiro trains with his son in Hawaii (Check out the rest of the photos in the "Home-Jitsu" article).
GRACIEMAG.com readers are still participating in the “Home-Jitsu” article. Practitioners from all across Brazil and the world just keep sending in photos and stories about their home dojos and training. To see and read them all, check out the main article here.
Claudio Ribeiro is Brazilian but lives in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai, where he trains with black belt Bruno “Longman” Ewald. “But we also train a lot at home. I often roll with my son Rayom in the backyard. We thought the ‘Home-Jitsu’ article was cool, since it shows the gentle art’s hardcore! Aloha!”
Luiz Aguiar, better known as Murf, is another who trains at home. Thanks to his doing so, his sister took up training too and both got “Jiu-Jitsu” tattoos, so great is their passion for the sport. “I started training in 2001 and it was a passion. I had to drop out because of work but I always put on the gi. It’s an impossible feeling to describe. My sister discovered her passion for Jiu-Jitsu too. She even met her boyfriend in training! We’re always looking to learn, and with a mat at home, there’s no fixed time for doing so! A month ago my cousin started too. The family in Jiu is growing!” he recounts.
Leandro Abrahão was a Roberto Tozi student in Campinas and on weekends he’d roll at home to brush up on his technique and interact with the gang. “Now I work in São Paulo, I’m a Roberto Godói brown belt. We sometimes even meet up on weekends to roll in my garage at home.”
Alexandre Maron is also from São Paulo, and he trains at Alliance with Fabio Gurgel. “On Saturdays we train on the terrace of my apartment with Professor Eduardo Mirando and also with Antonio Peinado.”
João Vinícius is from Pau dos Ferros, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte. “I’m a blue belt student of Bruno Ramos in Natal, the Nine Nine teacher here. We’ve trained in my living room at home, soon after that we moved on to a friend and student named Clístenes’s house, forging along with ‘Home-Jitsu’!”

The gang from Blumenau also trains at home (check out the rest of the photos in the "Home-Jitsu" article).
Jean Feijó is from the Gracie Floripa branch in the Southern Brazilian city of Blumenau. “We too practice ‘Home-Jitsu’ here on the mat set up at Marcelo’s house. The gang is hooked on Jiu-Jitsu and, whenever possible, we get together for a little extra training. The good thing about having a mat at home is that when there’s training going on and you feel that urge to roll we can work on new positions. Including the ones from GRACIEMAG!”
Students of Master Welton Ribeiro, who has trained standout athletes like Thales Leites amd others, also get together to practice “Home-Jitsu.” On Saturdays and holidays they get together to train at the house of architect Leonardo Cupolillo (Tio Léo) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro state. “The dojo is known to the gang as “tatame da Bariri.” Training there serves to clear up questions, as well as being a lot of fun,” says Marcelo Azevedo.