Watch GMA NYCBJJ student-instructor team take on shared goal of winning gold

Oleksander and Joseph at the IBJJF NY Open. Photo: Erin Herle

Having a goal of competition gold is an accomplishment many people share. As we all know, having a support group and surrounding yourself with people who share the same goal is very beneficial. This type of bonding found between teammates is powerful and even more powerful when an instructor and his student team together to travel and compete for competition gold.

A new highlight video of GMA member black belt Joseph Capizzi and his student purple belt heavyweight Oleksander Karliychuk shows footage of their action in the past year. Representing Staten Island, New York and Renzo Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, the two travel all over the country to test their skills.

In the video below of the two athletes, although very different in size as Capizzi competes as a roosterweight, show a similar style in both gi and no-gi. Their drive to test themselves has taken them from one coast to the other, NY Open to the World Championship in California. Check out the transitions, submissions and scrambles that execute how one instructor-student team can do wonders while working together towards a shared goal.

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