Watch Eddie Alvarez Explain the Simple Way to beat Conor McGregor

On his recent appearance on The MMA Hours, UFC lightweight contender Eddie Alvarez provided his thoughts on how UFC lightweight champion Rafael Dos Anjos should game plan for Conor McGregor in their upcoming fight at UFC 196 on March 5th in Las Vegas.

“He hasn’t been in a fight we need to see him in. Nobody has implemented an attack. When someone does it’s over. I don’t know why no one is doing it. It’s frustrating.”

How would Alvarez fight McGregor? He would take it to the ground and avoid striking with the Irishman, who knocked out Jose Aldo in just 13 seconds. When asked about Chad Mendes’s attempts to wrestled McGregor, Alvarez responded

“Mendes is primarily a wrestler. In order to implement a wrestling attack it takes a ton of conditioning and training. You can’t roll off the couch and implement a wrestling attack. Your wrestling attack is no good because you are not conditioned. You can’t do that on a 10-day notice.”

The post Watch Eddie Alvarez Explain the Simple Way to beat Conor McGregor appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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