USADA’s Statement On Banning Paulo Miyao And Stripping Him Of IBJJF World Title

Doping is a problem that a lot of sports are facing including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The latest to hit the headlines is the positive test of Paulo Miyao and his subsequent 2-year ban. The 25-year old Paulo Miyao hails from New York. He has an impressive record at the highest level of amateur competitions including the gold medal at the 2016 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship for super featherweights as a black belt.

The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation or IBJJF is not a signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code but the desire to keep the sport clean led the organization to conduct drug testing via USADA. After Miyao’s samples were examined, they found a prohibited substance called clomiphene which is classified under Hormones and Metabolic Modulators. Miyao tried to challenge USADA’s jurisdiction but the American Arbitration Association, an independent arbitrator, did not rule in his favor.

View AAA Decision Here

The USADA Paulo Miyao ban means that he will serve two years of ineligibility from competition. This began in September 29, 2016 as this is the date that he agreed to stop joining activities under the IBJJF and other anti-doping code signatories. He is also disqualified from the competitive results achieved from June 1, 2016 onwards which coincides with the World Jiu-Jitsu Championships. It should be noted that the drug test was conducted during this competition in Long Beach, California.

All of these should serve as a warning to all fighters who plan to compete under the IBJJF. Everyone needs to be aware of the prohibited substances and make sure that they steer clear of these. USADA has put up comprehensive resources that can help anyone interested in learning more about the anti-doping policies and procedures. Athletes, coaches, medical teams, and other parties would do well to review the materials. The risks and dangers of these drugs are laid out in detail. Those who wish to obtain permission for their medication must follow the protocol posted. Read USADA Statement

The post USADA’s Statement On Banning Paulo Miyao And Stripping Him Of IBJJF World Title appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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