UFC Champion Robert Whittaker Will Roll At ADCC Trials

The brackets are still forthcoming, but Robert Whittaker is now part of the pool of sharks competing at ADCC’s 2019 trials. The Australia-based UFC champ will roll in the 98k. division on May 12 in Japan.

If he continues the winning streak he’s been enjoying in the UFC, he’ll join names like Rafael Lovato Jr., Lucas Barbosa, Vinny Magalhaes, and Gordon Ryan in the running for the gold and a year’s worth of hardcore bragging rights.

A middleweight in the UFC, “The Reaper” has an MMA record of 21-4 and has felled pros like Yoel Romero and Jacare Sousa. He trains and coaches out of Gracie Smeaton Grange in Sydney, Australia:

The post UFC Champion Robert Whittaker Will Roll At ADCC Trials appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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