UFC announces tougher drug control rules after several athletes test positive

The UFC held a press conference this wednesday to announce tougher drug control guidelines for its athletes.

The decision came after multiple fighters tested positive for several substances in the near past, including big names such as Jon Jones (cocaine), Anderson Silva (anabolics) and Hector Lombardi (anabolics).

According to Lorenzo Fertita and Dana White, the UFC intends to test every and each one of its fighters from all of its annual cards.

Other than that, the penalties will be significantly increased under the World Antidoping Association (Wada) code.

For example, a first time offender could get a minimum 2-year ban in opposition to the 6-month to 12-month usually imposed today.

Here is the video of the complete press conference.

The post UFC announces tougher drug control rules after several athletes test positive first appeared on Graciemag.
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