UFC 127: things heat up in Australia

Bisping and Rivera exchange "niceties" at weigh-ins. Photo: Josh Hedges.

The UFC 127 main event, this Saturday in Australia, features BJ Penn and Jon Fitch. However, there are two other fighters looking to steal the show.

Check out the staredown between Michael Bisping and Jorge Rivera that UFC president Dana White had to break apart:

Check out the complete card:

UFC 127
Sydney, Australia
February 27, 2011

Jon Fitch vs. B.J. Penn

Michael Bisping vs. Jorge Rivera

Dennis Siver vs. George Sotiropoulos

Chris Lytle vs. Brian Ebersole

Chris Camozzi vs. Kyle Noke

Spencer Fisher vs. Ross Pearson

Alexander Gustafsson vs. James Te Huna

Riki Fukuda vs. Nick Ring

Jason Reinhardt vs. Tiequan Zhang

Tom Blackledge vs. Anthony Perosh

Mark Hunt vs. Chris Tuchscherer

Maciej Jewtuszko vs. Curt Warburton

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