Tom DeBlass Will Be Promoting Garry Tonon And Jen Allen Russell To First Degree Black Belt

Ricardo Almeida black belt and mixed martial artist Tom DeBlass will have the honor of promoting two of his top students to first degree black belt this Saturday: Jen Allen Russell and Garry Lee Tonon.

Professors DeBlass and Almeida awarded Jen her black belt in September 2013.  Since then, Professor Russell has been a multiple-time medalist in the IBJJF World Championships.

Garry Tonon is one of the most famous faces in competitive BJJ.  He is notable for being part of the notorious Danaher Death Squad and for being a three-division champion in the Eddie Bravo Invitational.

We here at the Jiu-Jitsu Times would like to congratulate both Garry Tonon and Jen Allen Russell on their upcoming promotions.

You can read Professor DeBlass’ Facebook annoucement below.

Myself with my first Black belt Garry Lee Tonon moments before I was competing in my final match at ADCC trials. This…

Posted by Tom DeBlass on Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The post Tom DeBlass Will Be Promoting Garry Tonon And Jen Allen Russell To First Degree Black Belt appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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