Thief Tries To Rob UFC Fighter Polyana Viana, Gets The Crap Beat Out Of Him

It’s been a tough week for criminals who don’t train. First there was the drugged-up kidnapper who left the scene of his crime on a stretcher after chasing the victim into a karate studio. And now there’s this awesome report of a Brazilian thief who stupidly tried to rob UFC strawweight Polyana Viana as she waited for an Uber outside her apartment.

Viana recounted to how she TKOed her would-be assailant:

“When he saw I saw him, he sat next to me,” Viana said. “He asked me the time, I said it, and I saw he wasn’t going to leave. So I already moved to put my cell phone in my waist. And then he said, ‘Give me the phone. Don’t try to react, because I’m armed.’ Then he put his hand over (a gun), but I realized it was too soft.

“He was really close to me. So I thought, ‘If it’s a gun, he won’t have time to draw it.’ So I stood up. I threw two punches and a kick. He fell, then I caught him in a rear-naked choke. Then I sat him down in the same place we were before and said, ‘Now we’ll wait for the police.’”

Viana was correct, BTW. The “gun” the thief placed his hand over was actually a cardboard cutout of a gun he had stuffed inside his pocket.

After the assailant was released from the hospital and charged by police, Viana left the station and casually made herself dinner. She reported her hands hurt a little the next day, but was otherwise unscathed.

“I was fine,” Viana said. “I was fine because he didn’t even react after. Since he took the punches very quickly, I think he was scared. So he didn’t react anymore. He told me to let him go, like ‘I just asked for the time.’ I said, ‘Asked for the time my ***,’ because he saw I was very angry.”

Dana White and Mick Maynard took to social media to praise Viana, so hopefully the street fight caught their eye enough to put the currently unscheduled fighter in rotation for a future cage match. Viana’s record stands at 1-1 in the UFC, with an MMA record of 10-2.

The post Thief Tries To Rob UFC Fighter Polyana Viana, Gets The Crap Beat Out Of Him appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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