The Science Between Music and The Brain

Whenever I train Jiujitsu, lift, workout etc, I notice one pretty significant factor. I always believe I train harder and better when there is music. A lot of people may relate and agree to this, but do you ever wonder WHY that is? The science behind it? I cannot even think about going to the gym for cardio without my headphones. It just does not happen.

Taking a step back to look at the brain, we know it is the body’s control center. The largest part of the brain is known as the cerebral cortex, which is divided into two symmetrical hemispheres. The left and the right hemispheres play their own distinct part in processing information. The link that connects the two is known as the Corpus Callosum.

With music, the brain works against the human body to assist in one’s workout. Everyone fatigues at different rates, but the principal is the same. The body is constantly observing itself. During a workout, it begins to recognize the extremities you are putting it thru, and naturally wants a break. What role does music play here? Basically it is a distraction. Music competes with the feedback of the body to gain the brain’s attention. The right music pushes people to get through waves of exhaustion and fatigue, rather than giving up on their workout. Studies have shown that songs with 120-140 BPM have been the most effective for moderate exercise.

Music also plays an emotional part within the brain. Music can open mental floodgates within the brain, and if the person listening can identify with the lyrics or singer, the music becomes that much more motivational resulting in improved performance. A certain song, that a person has some type of emotional connection with, can allow the brain to enter a different reality. People’s emotional appreciation for music is actually ingrained in some of the oldest regions of the brain rather than the cortex.

Music also MAKES you move, literally. After doing some research, I found out that some studies have suggested that someone listening to music, even while sitting still, has increased electrical activity in certain areas of the brain. Jessica Grahn, a cognitive neuroscientist who studies music at Western University’s Brain and Mind Institute in Ontario explains, “We have also known for decades that there are direct connections from auditory neurons to motor neurons. When you hear a loud noise, you jump before you have even processed what it is. That’s a reflex circuit, and it turns out that it can also be active for non-startling sounds, such as music.” In essence, music induces movement. So as much as you may not want to go do that workout, if you have your headphones in, music will force your body to move and get through it, while improving your mood!

These are just a few points on the connection between music and the brain during a workout. The brain is such a complex topic though and we could probably write a novel on this topic. I just found it really interesting on the actual science behind it. It really is amazing the relationship and connection the human brain has with music, and how it processes it. It does depend on each and every person. Does anyone out there perform better without music? Or are you like me and just train better with it?

The post The Science Between Music and The Brain appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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