Shogun and Ninja’s team hold event

The team of the Rua brothers, Mauricio Shogun and Murilo Ninja, is promoting the 1st Universidade da Luta Competition. UDL confirmed the presence of 13 participating academies from six cities around the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná. There will be 16 bouts in all, including MMA and muay thai, and promises to be a big draw. The event will be overseen by UFC champion Shogun and Ninja, as well as André Dida and K-1 fighter Glaube Feitosa, among others.

Weigh-ins will be held the day of the event, from 11am till noon, in the academy’s dependencies. The event itself will start at 3 pm.

Tickets are on sale for R$ 10, and can only be purchased in advance at participating academies.

All participating athletes will receive a Garra supplements kid, an exclusive event T-shirt, and the event is backed by Shiroi Kimonos, Elzo Tattoo and Guto Piercing.

Check out the card:

Date: June 5 at 3 pm

Location: Academia UDL – Rua Campos Sales, 932 – Juvevê

Further information can be obtained by email:

Amateur Muay Thai

52kg – Paula Gomes “Paulinha” (Gile Ribeiro) vs Thaisa Zadinello (Thai Boxe)

55kg – Fernanda (PRVT Londrina) vs Priscila Almeida (Thai Boxe)

65kg – Luciano Hutner (Thai Brasil) vs Marcelo Santos Brasil (UDL)

65kg – Jardel (Noguchi) vs Otacilio Sena (UDL)

66kg – Luis Henrique (PRVT Londrina) vs Calvin Penidre (UDL)

70kg – Polaco (PRVT Londrina) vs Marcelo DA Costa (UDL)

70kg – Rodrigo (Noguchi) vs Felipe Rodrigues “Pajé” (UDL)

75kg – Alexandre (Strikers House) vs Lean Bilski (UDL)

Amateur MMA

62kg – Jeferson Feijão (Emporium Paranaguá) vs  Jhonny José (Thai Naja)

62kg – Robinho (Gile Ribeiro) vs Cristian Pereira (UDL)

65kg – Goiti Yamauchi (Yamauchi) vs Jonatan José (Thai Naja)

70kg – Claudio Ricardo (Noguchi) vs Jean (UDL)

80kg – Jenivaldo de Oliveira (Emporium Paranaguá) vs Cleber Argente (Thai Boxe)


77kg – Tadeu de Oliveira “Baiano” (UDL) vs Davi Sutil (Freestyle)

* Card subject to change

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