Last week, social media was stormed with a video appearing to show former BJJ World Champion Dillon Danis being strangled by a security guard.
Social media users were quick to identify the 23-year old bouncer as Chance, @chance_3141 on instagram. The security guard has now given his side of the story. In an instagram post from @MadnessMMA, Chance is quoted, “I’m like, ‘Sorry, bro, you’re not getting in. I need an ID.’ And then he says, ‘Oh, you don’t know who I am?’” Chance recalled. “And I was like, ‘Sorry, dude, I don’t know who you are. I need an ID.’ So then he Googles himself and shows me the Google page, and I’m like, ‘That’s not an ID, bro. I need a driver’s license, passport, something so I know how old you are.’ After that he started getting a little agitated or whatever that I didn’t know who he was and stuff.”
“That’s when [Danis] is like, ‘Don’t touch me, don’t touch me,’ blah, blah,” Chance said. “While they’re having their whole conversation, I walk behind these guys. And that’s when Dillon tried to throw a punch. It wasn’t a great punch. He tried throwing a punch, missed it, and that’s when I grabbed him by his neck, pulled him down.”
“Usually whenever I do that, I’m legitimately choking you out for a second or two until you realize the situation you’re in. In the video, you see him tap and everything, and I was like, ‘You all right, man? You good?’ And he gives me like a little thumbs up, so I just bear-hugged him a little bit until the cops got everybody else under control and could give me a hand.”
According to a court summons obtained by MMAFighting, Danis was charged with disorderly conduct that evening.
Tom Deblass took to instagram shortly after identifying the security guard, offering 1 year of training for free which should have begun by the time that this article was written.

Gordon Ryan also posted a thread of messages between him and Chase with the caption ”the hero everyone didn’t know they needed.”
GR: Do you wanna come to adcc next September? It’s in Vegas. I’ll get you floor seats if you’re interested.
C: Haha hell yeah I want to go
C: This is crazy!
Danis took to Twitter after the incident with a reference to Tony Montana, “you need people like me”. He was seen wearing a knee brace in the video, but it is unclear at this time whether the brace is in relation to his March 2020 reconstructive knee surgery. Danis hasn’t fought since his Bellator 222 match on June 14, 2019.
The post Security Guard Who Choked Dillon Danis Speaks Out – Gets ADCC Tickets From Gordon Ryan, 1-Year Training From Tom Deblass appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.